Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Works of Art I Know

Andy Goldsworthy
Icicle Star

My first impressions:
this piece is so creative and must have taken a really long time to find the right size and shape icicles. Because of the form, this sculpture is probably extremely delicate, especially since icicles in general are very delicate. He must have exerted a lot of effort into balancing the legs of the sculpture on the un-even rock. The color is a translucent white, with a bit of blue. I'm also assuming that he had to work on this quickly so the icicles wouldn't melt in his hands.

What I have learned:
Andy Goldsworthy is known for working on sculptures from natural objects. Icicle Star is one of his temporary sculptures. Temporary sculptures are called ephmerel art. Other ephmerel art sculptures of his are made from sand, leaves, snow and anything you can find in nature. Since this kind of art doesn't last long, he takes photographs of them to document.

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