Sunday, April 5, 2009

Works of Art I Know

The Arbour
Phillip Fox

What is the Artist's point of view about family?
I think over all the artist wants to portray this family as loving. They spent time together and interact with eachother. judging by their clothes, the family looks like middle class. They also seem happy and relaxed. I also think that Phillip Fox is showing us the roles of the family: father, mother, care-taker or relative, and children.

How the artist uses the principles of design:
I think that the emphasis in this painting is on the man in dark blue and the woman in white. The repetition of the leaves are leading the watchers eyes to the man, who I suspect is the father of the family. The way all the people are positioned in a semi circle around the woman also draws your eyes to her. I think that Fox is trying to communicate that the parents are the most influential in the family.

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