Thursday, January 22, 2009

Story Collage

Same Difference

The story I am trying to tell in my collage is about my first fashion design class at the Rhode Island School of Design. Most of the girls there wore lots of jewelry and expensive outfits, and I was one of the plainer girls. The obvious difference in fashion, however, didn't matter to me because my designs were better than some of the most fashionable girls in the classroom. I am the girl in the middle between two stlylish girls. Our work is posted on the wall behind us, with the grade "A" for the two girls' designs and "A+" for my design to represent the difference in talent.

The most challenging aspect of making this collage was making 3-d objects like the curls for the blue hair and the gold earrings. I also made the sketches on the wall pop out like canvas. This was extremely difficult becuase the paper wouldn't smooth out after a crease had been made, so everytime i changed my mind i would have to cut out another sheet.
The most succesful aspects of my collage are the two fashionable girls on the sides. I had a lot of fun with deciding the hair style and what jewelry they should be wearing. At first I had all the features 2-d, then I went back and wondered which features could stand out more.

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